What does this solution describe?
This message is generated by SpamTitan for an email containing a file with a .dat extension.
A file with a .dat file extension is usually a generic data file that stores information specific to the application it refers to. In most cases, these are created by a Microsoft Office document (.doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx). However, .dat files are identified as executables by SpamTitan and are blocked.
What are the steps?
Follow these steps to allow .dat files in SpamTitan.
Go to Content Filtering > Attachments and scroll to File Name Filters.
Click Add under the File Name Filters table and the Add Filter window displays.
Add three filters using the settings in this example: one for each of these three file types:
Click Save to save each filter and click Apply at the bottom of the screen to save changes.
Further Info
Once you have added the filters, ask the sender to resend the message. Since the .dat attachment is now allowed, the message will be delivered.
For more documentation, see Attachment Filtering Methods.