When you enroll for the first time on your SafeTitan portal, you are added as the first user on your portal. This means that you are an administrator and are added to a system-generated "default department". You have an administrator account, and you can add future users to your defined groups and departments. More information about Groups and Departments can be found in Adding Users to the Portal.
As a Customer Admin, you'll find it helpful if you familiarize yourself with the following before performing tasks related to your role:
Review the Configuration Checklist
Your answers to the questions in the configuration checklist can help us address your specific needs for getting started and help to ensure the reliable delivery of emails and campaigns. If you have additional questions, you can go to our Online Help or Submit an Online Support Request.
Ensure SafeTitan Mail Server is Added to Allow List
For mock phishing and training mails to be successfully delivered, the SafeTitan mail server must be added to your allow list (also called trust-listing). This is a requirement for all mail service providers. You can access platform-specific instructions in Add SafeTitan Mail Server to Allow List for help with this.
Take a Tour of the SafeTitan Admin Dashboard
In this quick setup guide, you'll find information to help you set up your first phishing, training, and quiz campaigns. For a brief overview of the other tasks you can complete from your admin dashboard, see SafeTitan Customer Admin Dashboard.