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WebTitan(Sugarloaf 5.01+)

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Phishing and Training

Policy Document Training
Uploading a Policy Document This can be done under the Training Manger > Training Upload menu on the left hand side of the dashboard screen. You also h...
Analysing Phish Reponses - Determining if phishing emails have been forwarded / viewed on another device(s)
Suggested additional reading:  Analysing Phish Reponses - Recognising false positives and how to correct  Phish response IPs – determining if a phis...
Analysing Phish Reponses - Recognising false positives and how to correct
Suggested additional reading:  Analysing Phish Reponses - Determining if phishing emails have been forwarded / viewed on another device(s) Phishi...
How to change the sender email address for campaigns [SPF Record]
SafeTitan: Updates to SPF (Sender Policy Framework) Records Purpose: To allow the sending of training, quiz, and Phishing emails from '@yourdomain.com&...