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Phishing Campaigns: Customer Admin

Articles to help create and manage Phishing Campaigns for SafeTitan Customer Administrators

Phishing Manager
Select Phishing Manager to view and manage phishing campaigns, templates, and user feedback messages. Phishing Campaigns Go to Phishing Campaigns t...
Managing Phishing Campaigns
Phishing is a type of online fraud to trick people into providing sensitive information, such as usernames, passwords, and credit card details. The perpet...
Create Simple Phishing Campaign
For your first phishing campaign, create a simple or "ad-hoc" phishing campaign by following these steps: From your admin dashboard, go t...
Phishing: Configure Reactive Training
Phishing campaigns with reactive training provide the ability to identify and evaluate high-risk users and automatically enroll these users in phishing aw...
Review Phishing Campaign
After you've created and published your first phishing campaign, follow these steps to ensure you received the mock phishing email and to view the cam...