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Onboarding for Google Workspace Customers

Step 1: Create or Select a Google Cloud API Project
Go to Google APIs & Services and select a project, if you already have one, or create a new one. If you already have a project, then go to...
Step 2: Configure Consent Screen
As you follow the steps below, you’ll notice that you have several choices to make during the Consent setup. You’ll be personalizing the information that ...
Step 3: Set Up Google OAuth for ArcTitan SSO
Google OAuth allows each Google Workspace user to log in and access their ArcTitan archived mail. ArcTitan adds an OpenID Connect type OAuth connection to...
Step 4: Link the OAuth Client ID to your Workspace
In your Google Cloud Project, you defined API Services, which consisted of an OAuth Consent screen and the Web Application-based OAuth Client. You connect...
Step 5: Set Up Google Service Account to Access Mailbox Reader
If you need to access multiple user mailboxes via IMAP to backfill the email Archive via the Mailbox Reader service, you must set up a Google Service Acco...
Step 6: Journaling Setup for Google Workspace
Journaling is the process of passing a copy of every new email that is sent or received on any mailbox in Google Workspace. The process is performed in a ...
Step 7: Configuring a Mailbox Reader Connection
From ArcTitan version 9.6.1, it is now possible to access multiple Google Workspace mailboxes using the Service Account Key. In your ArcTitan UI, ...
Step 8: Link the Service Account to your Workspace
You now have a Service Account – but it is not yet associated with your Workspace. It is SEPARATE to the OAuth configuration that you made earlier. So now...
Step 9: Add Service Account as an OAuth App
After you've linked the Service Account to your Workspace and copied the Unique ID, you'll need to add the Service Account as an OAuth App. ...
Step 10: Add Service Account as a Domain-Wide Delegated App
The steps in this section enable Google Workspace to allow access between your Workspace and the Service Account. This provides visibility of the Mailbox ...