In Email Security, potential threats are called incidents. An incident can be flagged by the system or by a user using the TitanHQ for Outlook add-in.

Go to Email Security > Incidents to view, take action on (remediate), and manage incidents in Email Security.


If you have auto remediation set up, then Email Security will automatically send malicious mails to a user's junk folder. See Remediation for more details.

Incidents are divided into two groups, which can be accessed by selecting either the Action Needed or Resolved tabs at the top of the page.

  • The Action Needed tab opens by default when you select Email Security > Incidents and displays incidents requiring admin attention. These are Incidents that have been reported by users using the TitanHQ for Outlook add-in. When you mark these mails as safe or move them to junk, they are automatically moved to the Resolved tab.

  • The Resolved tab contains mails that have been automatically flagged by the system and ones you have taken action on are also listed here. No further action is required for these incidents.

  • Use the search search-incidents.jpg box to search the list of incidents.

  • Select the column column-icon.jpg icon to display the table column names. Slide each on and off to view or hide a column. The following columns are available:

    • Date: The date the reported email was received.

    • Subject: Email subject line of the reported email.

    • Sender: Sender email address of the reported email.

    • Flag Reason: The reason this email was flagged for further investigation. See Incident Flag Reasons.

    • Status: The current status of this incident. See Incident Status Descriptions.

    • Customer: The Email Security customer this incident is related to.

    • Actions: Actions available for this incident.

  • From the Actions column, you can do the following:

To view additional details of an incident, locate the incident in the table and select it. See Incident Summary for further details.

Incident Flag Reasons

Flag Reason


User Reported Phishing

A user reported this email as phishing with the TitanHQ for Outlook add-in.

User Reported Clean

A user reported this email as clean with the TitanHQ for Outlook add-in.

Suspicious Text

Email Security detected suspicious text in the body of this email.

Malicious Links

Email Security detected malicious links in the body of this email. A malicious URL is a link embedded in an email that was created with the purpose of promoting scams, attacks, and frauds. When selected, malicious URLs can download ransomware, or lead to phishing or spearphishing emails.


Email Security flagged this email as a phishing attempt. Phishing emails attempt to trick people into revealing personal or confidential information which can then be used illicitly; for example, to steal a recipient's money or identity.

Spoofed Display Name

Email Security detected a spoofed display name. Email spoofing is the creation of an email with a forged sender address to intentionally mislead a recipient about its origin.


Email Security flagged this email as spam. Spam refers to unsolicited emails that are sent to a large number of recipients, usually as advertising.


Email Security flagged this email as fraud. Email fraud intentionally deceives the recipient into sharing personal data, such as bank or credit card details.

Incident Status Descriptions