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Local User Accounts (Basic Config)

Local User Accounts
The Basic Configuration > Local User Accounts tab allows you to view, create, edit and delete user accounts. Administrators can also reset passwords. Se...
Email Archiving User Types
There are five types of users in Email Archiving (ArcTitan). Four user types are created locally - Administrator, Privileged, Privileged & Delete, and ...
Creating a Local User Account
Follow the steps below to add a new basic, privileged, privileged & delete, or administrator user account. Note Local users cannot be added until at...
Resetting a User Password
Go to Basic Configuration > Local User Accounts and follow the steps below to reset a user's password. Enter the user's full or partial user...
Editing or Deleting a User Account
Go to Basic Configuration > Local User Accounts and follow the steps below to edit or delete a user account. Enter the user's full or partial us...
Resetting a User Password
Go to Basic Configuration > Local User Accounts and follow the steps below to reset a user's password. Enter the user's full or partial user...
Editing or Deleting a User Account
Go to Basic Configuration > Local User Accounts and follow the steps below to edit or delete a user account. Enter the user's full or partial us...