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TitanHQ Platform

WebTitan(Sugarloaf 5.01+)

WebTitan(4.17 or Earlier)

SpamTitan(Skellig 9.00+)

SpamTitan(8.00 or Earlier)




Customer Admin Settings

Settings Menu
Under Settings, you can navigate to these menus to configure the following: Organization Settings: The settings that you configure here apply specif...
Manage Organisation Settings
Go to Settings > Organisation Settings to edit the following: Send welcome emails immediately: If selected, a welcome email is sent immediat...
Configure Phishing Email Settings
In this section you can configure how you want Phishing Emails to be delivered from the SafeTitan portal to your users' mailboxes. Go to Settin...
Manage Campaign Settings
In this section you can edit your Phishing and Training settings. Go to Settings > Campaign Settings and select the appropriate tab for the phis...
Configure C-Suite Settings
C-Suite refers to executive titles in an organization, where C stands for "Chief", such as Chief Executive Officer or Chief Financial Officer. Y...
Manage Authentication Settings
Go to Settings > Authentication Settings to edit the following: Authentication Type: From the dropdown menu, you can select from two option...
Manage Communication Templates
Go to Settings > Communication Templates to see a list of your current communication templates. Using features in the header, you can man...
Using Token Manager
Tokens are used in templates to replace information – such as a username or email address – with a value, for example [[userFirstName]]. In Token Manager,...
AD Sync Configuration
If you're not configured to use SSO, you will need to synchronize your active directory users with your SafeTitan portal. Go to Settings > AD Syn...