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SafeTitan Setup for MSPs

SafeTitan MSP Setup
Welcome to SafeTitan! An MSP Admin can follow the steps below to log in to the MSP Admin portal, manage customer accounts, create cyber security awarenes...
Step 1: Understanding AD Synchronization and Authentication
After you set up your MSP Admin portal, you'll be able to create new customers, customer groups and campaigns. Before you can do this, however, custome...
Step 2: Set Up your SafeTitan MSP Admin Portal
As part of your SafeTitan setup, you supplied a Microsoft email address and Azure Tenant ID to your SafeTitan account manager. In return, you received a We...
Step 3: Create New Customer
Go to the Customers menu, where you have the ability to view a list of your current customers and to add new customers. Note Above your list of customer...
Step 4: Create Customer Group
As you add new customers, you may want to put them into groups based on the sectors they belong to, or where they are located. You can group them in any wa...
Step 5: Create Phishing Campaign
Phishing is a type of online fraud to trick people into providing sensitive information, such as usernames, passwords, and credit card details. The perpetr...
Step 6: Create Training Campaign
Providing a training campaign to your customers is an effective education strategy, enabling them to become more aware of cyber security. To create a simpl...
Step 7: Create Automatic Reports
Reports can be automatically generated whenever a phishing or training campaign ends. They summarize the campaign results of your customers and can be sent...
Step 8: Schedule Report Summaries
When phishing and training campaigns end, reports can be automatically generated to summarize the campaign results. As an MSP Admin, you can also schedule ...
MSP Admin Dashboard
Go to the MSP Admin Dashboard to access the tasks related to managing customers, campaigns and reports, which are described below. Customers In the ...