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WebTitan(Sugarloaf 5.01+)

WebTitan(4.17 or Earlier)

SpamTitan(Skellig 9.00+)

SpamTitan(8.00 or Earlier)




SafeTitan Setup for MSPs

Configure Phishing Email Settings
In this section you can configure how you want Phishing Emails to be delivered from the SafeTitan portal to your users' mailboxes. Go to Settings a...
Using Icons to Manage Customers, Campaigns and Reports
To help you manage the tasks related to customers, campaigns and reports, you can select various icons located in the Actions column. For example, if you w...
Exporting Data from the MSP Dashboard
You may want to copy, export or print the data that is displayed in the Customers section of your MSP dashboard. Go to your MSP Dashboard and select Cu...
Phishing Campaigns: Tips for MSPs
Month #1 It is recommended that your first phishing campaign be a blind baseline test. You'll send this without notifying your recipients first, which...
Training Campaigns: Tips for MSPs
The training campaign you create should be based on the type of phishing campaign you ran. If you ran your baseline campaign on credential theft, for examp...
Manage Settings
As an MSP admin, you can select Settings to choose templates for customer training. Email templates for assignments, reminders and completion are available...